Tiny Metal: il titolo in arrivo il 21 novembre sui Nintendo Switch europei

Poche ore fa è stata ufficializzata la data di uscita di un titolo indipendente, TINY METAL, in arrivo verso la fine del mese novembre su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo tattico simulativo di Area35, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 21 novembre 2017 sull’eShop europeo, americano, australiano e giapponese di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare l’ultimo trailer pubblicato, in calce all’articolo.

With the growth of game development environments, high quality game development has become possible even in small scale environments, and the evolution of digital publishing has made it easier to distribute developed titles to users worldwide. On the other hand, with a mixed bag of titles overflowing the market, there are also situations where interesting titles are buried without being noticed.

At Unties, we dig up the masterpieces buried in those situations, and support them so that more users notice and pick them up. We spread information about excellent games and sell titles for multiple platforms.

The name “Unties” comes from the thought “to unleash the excellent talents of unique game creators all over the world” and “setting creators free from the various shackles of game publishing, named from the intention of realizing publishing that is freedom of production without restraints.”

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Precedente LUMO: il titolo è in arrivo il 16 novembre sui Nintendo Switch europei Successivo Pokémon Shuffle: i nuovi contenuti del 17 ottobre disponibili su Nintendo 3DS